“You fuckin roxx my soxx hunni!! You have all the symptoms of a chick with BBS, Bad Bitch Syndrome!!! If you were in Auburn we would definitely reign supreme! You inspire me just by being you!”

almost brought a tear to my eye lol

 ”love u much and we will always be fam, ur amazingly talented, creative, a form of a free spirit in ur on way, glad u shot for the stars because u seem to me hitting the bullseye!”

thanks friend! my “freeness” seems to rub some ppl the wrong way & sometimes have me judged unfairly….but in the end…..ill remain true to myself…and still have it all!

“My homie!!! You are so willing to put yourself out there and ur hard work is paying off! I’m so proud of u!!! I wanna be like u when I grow up!”

i thought i was the only one who felt i was always so misunderstood…glad to know im not! =)

“u are so sweet and i lookd up to u and respectd ur grind.ur so misunderstood but i love u to pieces..miss u…”

ok so…dont think im full of myself but when that lil #’s game was goin on on fb…i kept most of mine! lol ill share them now since they make me all warm&fuzzy inside to know that ppl really luv,admire&respect me so much!lol so here goes!!!!

#24 What Words Can I Use To Explain You? There Are So Many! Beautiful, Unique, Loveable! I Love You Soooo Much! Just Watching You Grow With Me Is The Bestest! You Are One Of The Only People I Don’t See Flaws! Thank You For Being A Strong Beautiful Woman!

*a tear* lol

sneak peek!!! shot by Drexina Nelson

I hate when you think of something funny in your head

And you’re all laughing like:

And everyone around you is staring like:

“What are you laughing at?”

And you’re like:

its official!!! i need an assistant!lol

sorry iv been neglecting my blog guys!!!!! just dealing with that end of the year hustle…tryna get all my little duckies in a row for the new year! you guys will be proud!!!! trust me! lol

i know i have been M.I.A. smdh

sorry guys…i havent been blogging like im supposed to….iv been supppppppeeeeerrrrrrrr busy…which is like a gift&a curse ya know…more so a gift…just sucks that i havent had time to keep u guys updated…im starting to think i may need an assistant!lol

anywho…..i have sooo much in store for the new year…. and i have new work coming out that is gonna blow u guys away! between Drexina Nelson, Allen Cooley, Derek Blanks, and Dane Darden…..my port is about to be SICK!!!!lol #outwiththeoldinwiththenew! I had the opportunity to work along some of the greatest in the industry in the past week…and i must say..i have been inspired! I felt honored to be working alongside Saisha Beecham, Kim Kimble, Yolonda Fredricks, Mara, Mo, mannnn just the entire team!!!!! My mentors are steadily pushing me and preparing me to be the great mua I know I can and will be! I am sooo grateful to them. its almost overwhelming at times…to accept and see how far iv come in such a short period of time…and i honestly dont even know how it happened…im just gone say it was all God…im still tryna figure this thing out ya know….and im always looking at how far I have to go …how much i need to grow…blah blah blah…but lately…iv had to step back & lay off on some of that pressure I put on myself! Iv been blessed…and I am grateful for my progress…no matter how much further I have to go! Life if about experiences, trial & error, making the wrong choices sometimes so one day…after battling with yourself about soooo many things…something will click…and it will all make sense…and everything you may have been doing wrong…you realize y it was wrong..and what you need to do to fix it and move forward! Im all about progressing! I wouldnt change any of my experiences or take back any of my mistakes…i am being molded…and I actually am seeing myself evolve into an amazing artist…and most importantly an amazing woman…and I cant keep stressing enough how grateful I am. Its been tough…omg you have no idea…but Im embracing it all because I can feel, and damn near taste the success thats in store for me! I guess to anybody who has a dream id say…chase it…. chase it like you’ve never chased anything else like that before! its worth the struggle, its worth the pain, its worth whatever sacrifices you have to make to get it! 100% is not enough…you must go harder!!! and Be focused….on YOUR own dream…. if your gonna have tunnel vision…u need to be lookin straight ahead…at alllllll times….looking to your left and your right…checking for other ppl chasing the same dream you’re chasing will get u no where…it’ll only slow you down! Anything is possible guys…… anything… and more times then not..the only thing that ever holds us back from reaching our greatest potential…is ourselves!

Be good to ppl, work hard, be thankful, dont complain, keep positive energy nomatter what, surround yourself with ppl you admire&are inspired by…ppl you can learn from ya know, swallow your pride, push yourself beyond what you thought you limit was, pray, forgive ppl, let go of the past…look towards the future, stop focusing on whats wrong& give praises for whats right, stop being afraid..if you think of something you want to do..do it…stop making excuses…holding yourself back…procrastinating…bc time waits for no man…we all know that. How many of us made plans and goals in jan2010….now its dec2010 and we’re like…omg..the year is over..and I didnt do half the things i set out to do…and i cud have….sit back and ask yourself y you didnt do it….you’ll be surprised at how easily it could have been done if you wud have just focused& been fearless…. when our backs are against the wall…we seem to be able to get ourselves out of any situation…and i do mean any…bc something in us…like some kind of survival instinct or something turns on and we make the impossible happen….only when our backs are against the wall though…and we’re in the clutch…like when ya rent late every month for a year…u stress about it every single month..you cry that same woe is me song and im stugglin..tryna make ends meet song..but a year later…lol you’re still there ..bc some kind of way u made it happen..you got it paid..one way or another…late or not….just when you thought you were s.o.l. & bout to get that eviction notice lol…..but what if…just what if we turned that something on in us everyday…even when everything is going perfectly fine….imagine the dramatic impact that would make on our lives….i guess i said all that to say…its game time folks! GET IN SURVIVAL MODE! (s/o to a cooley for schoolin me on that)lol

guess im done with my rant today lol…that was therapeutic for me lol..and i hope it was beneficial to you! I luv my ppl! Thank you all for the support & for believing in me! I’ll see yall at the top!lol

“there is no elevator to success…. you MUST take the stairs” lol

a wise man once said “I think…therefore I AM”

just believe……….