guess who has pics back from the launch party ALREADY!!!!!!!lol

thanks to Darnell Wilburn for coming thru in the clutch!!!! *i luv this guy*




To my new followers…

To my old followers…

To those who unfollowed me…

To those who looked at my blog and decided not to follow…

To those who will look at my blog after seeing this…

my second time posting this but i got so many new followers

And to my newest followers, thank you

This never gets old

to see more of this Russian Beauty me & Drexina shot in NY…. go to my fan page nowwwwwwwwwwww lol


to see more of where this came from……the COMPLETE story….. go to my fan page and check out the Beauty port!!/album.php?fbid=134491906589480&id=134490423256295&aid=13407

Hey my little Luv bugs!!!! I am updating my Facebook FAN PAGE Mel Hunter M.U.A. righttttt now…there is gonna be content& pictures on there that will be totally exclusive to that page…not on my website…and not on the blog!!! sooooo you guys need to head on over to the page…check out the COMPLETE stories to some of the looks you see on my sight&tell me what you think!!!!!/album.php?fbid=134491906589480&id=134490423256295&aid=13407

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_2775188109”,’’,500,281,’,,,,’)

OMG!!! i luv luv luvvvvv this video, this song, my team, and Shanell!!! This shoot was amazing!!! @shanell_snl follow her NOWWWW her music is SICK!!!! in a great way lol


Shanell from Young Money Photoshoot Makeup: Mel Hunter Hair: Latay Mays Wardrobe: Henry Watson Photo Assistant: Ron Hill Videography: Raphael Baker

is this not the cutest lil thing lol ….awwwwwwwww…. i should do a series like this lol



if i sent this to my dad

he’d probably make it his profile picture on facebook

and i’m not kidding

A General Question

How did you accomplish dream? I enjoy doing hair as well as make up, but I am scared that I won’t be successful.

well…im not done…so im really in the process of actually accomplishing….. but whats keeping me motivated and pushing me forward is my passion for it…and I really do believe in myself. I want to constantly learn…and Im always looking for ways to better myself…I know my potential…but I also know i may have a long way to go befor i actually reach my full potential! I know I wont get there unless I take action and remain focused on what I want…. everybody who tries has a shot at success…its the people that give up that usually never get to taste that sweet success…. so stay positive…study…and believe…speak things into existence for yourself babe!!!! You gotta believe 1st…if not…y expect other ppl to trust and believe in you!

ill leave u with a few quotes that motivate me when Im sometimes at a breaking point….and for me…they really help…

“Fear is not a disease of the body, it kills the soul”- gandhi (u have to be fearless in life my love….set your eyes on the prize and go for it! Stop being scared…because you have nothing to be afraid of)

“it is necessary to keep in mind neither success nor failure is final” -Roger Babson(just as easy as it was given to you…it can be taken away…just as hard as your life may be at one point…it can all change for the better….overnight)…BELIEVE……

and the most important one ” WHETHER YOU THINK YOU CAN…OR WHETHER YOU THINK YOU CANT….YOU’RE RIGHT…..”  -Henry Ford (YOU have to believe….otherwise it wont work…if you keep doubting yourself and speaking the negatives things into your life….thats exactly what you’re gonna get…like the quote says…ur right either way!)

hope this helps