[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_3203334221”,’http://melhuntermakeup.tumblr.com/video_file/3203334221/tumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca’,500,281,’poster=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca_frame1.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca_frame2.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca_frame3.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca_frame4.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lgd184Q70S1qabfca_frame5.jpg’)


Today in our “Racist commercials” segment: The pepsi “Love hurts” commercial aired during the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl is always the highest rated show in the U.S. This year, it got 111 million viewers, making it the most watched television show of all time. Last year it had 104 million viewers. What better time to aid white supremacy, perpetuate stereotypes, and deepen the ever-growing rift between Black men and Black women? I want everyone to know and understand that nothing in advertisement is accidental. Every single thing in advertising and marketing is carefully thought out and strategically placed to evoke the response they want and send the messages (subliminal and direct) that they want. This is why I am so cautious about what my son watches. 

Watch the video carefully. Think about what you see. Here’s what I see:

We immediately see an over-bearing, aggressive, and controlling Black woman and a Black man who sneaks, hides, and is obviously afraid of his wife, or just use to her  abuse and “hen-pecking.” In the video, he has no self-control, and needs someone to do it for him. As he unknowingly drinks diet Pepsi, his wife comes and drinks with him. She has outsmarted her dumb Black husband. After tasting the diet Pepsi he says in reverent tones, “Maximum taste…” As he says this, a white woman runs into the frame. The Black man and Caucasian woman than exchange “a look.” The Caucasian girl is friendly and fit, whereas the Black woman is out of shape, mean, and abusive. The Caucasian woman is also defenseless and helpless, the opposite of the mean, aggressive Black woman. Then the couple flees the scene. This commercial also perpetuates the notion that we are undesirable, especially compared to a Caucasian woman.

Again, nothing in these matters is accidental. I don’t drink sodas, but I refuse to support ANY Pepsi products. I hope you won’t continue to support pepsi and its various products, either.


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