getting on the plane…finally leaving Canada!!! its been real!!!!! NY ….here we come!!!! Atl…i’ll see you Monday!!!!! #letthecountdownbegin!!!!!


I got to live my life tonight onstage and the last show of the tour!!!!!! In Canada!!! 1000s of people!!!!!! intro to Wayne hittin the stage!!!! its crazy tonight!!!!!!! everybody is pulling pranks…poppin up on stage during other ppl’s set… Wayne just crashed Nikki’s set…. then he sent a big dude out in his underwear on stage when Shanell and the Girls were doing Hair Down My Back lol…keep in mind nobody knows none of this is gonna happen!!!!

omg…this is amazing!!!!! such a great night!!!!!!! i cant wait to get back in the states so i can upload all my pics and videos!!!!! 

me and @shanell_snl

A Great Idea #Howitchangedmylife

ok guys…iv been MIA for a few days… but while traveling …iv been so inspired…and Iv had quite some time on my hands to reflect…to wonder…to actually be in awe at some of the things and opportunities I have been blessed with. So many people ask me how…what did i do???when did i know??? what steps I took,etc… and to be honest… I dont know =/ …seems weird huh???but I still ask how sometimes…and the only thing I could come up with was GOD…and it was already written for me….this journey has been crazy…and Im still finding my way.

I was talking to my friend today about a book I begged her to read because I felt like it would change something in her and make her realize things like it did for me…she said to me…blog about these type of things that impact your life..and inspire you…im sure people would want to know since you’re always being asked what drives you…

soooooo im gonna start doing that…anything and everything that inspires me…im gonna share with you guys and im gonna tell you #howitchangedmylife.

it’ll be everything from ppl,quotes,pictures,books, to stories and my own personal testimonies. 

So I’ll start with the book I pretty much forced down her throat lol…although now…she see’s exactly why…

The Alchemist 

It’s a MUST READ!!!! trust me… I challenge you all…who are in chasing your dreams, and having a hard time on your journey to go get it…read it…and come to this blog and discuss it with me!!!

I could tell you exactly what it has done for me…but ill save that for a later date…i have 30mins to get ready for this concert tonight AND i dont want to spoil it for those of you who are gonna take my word for it!!! lol

TRUST ME GUYS!!!!! i was totally inspired by this book!!!!!! READ IT!!!!! AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!

Fear is the opposite of faith; trust yourself!

(via thetaoofdana)

miss Shanell SNL killing the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

that last inquiry i answered made me think about this post i saw a while back!!!! MUA’s … check this out!!! From a great educator in the industry Jennifer James….pleaseeeee comment…i sooo want to hear feedback from this one lol

Hey mel! Im an aspiring makeup artist and was wondering if you have an assistant or interns that work under you? Are you currently looking for one of the two? I understand that in this industry many artist wont reach back and teach the next what they've learnt because the fear of competition but im a firm believer that we all as artist are uniquely different in many ways and that will forever separate us. I would love the opportunity to learn this artistry from someone else's view who is as talented as yourself Hope to hear from you..Much Love

hi love!!! i currently dont have interns or assistants…and i dont think im at a point where i need one anyway but im willing to help you in anyway possible so just email me and we will work something out if your interested. 

i totally understand why you could feel the way you do….this industry is something else lol… but im actually self taught…with no formal training or apprenticeship myself so i could only teach you what i know and my ways and reasoning…im not claiming to be an expert lol. And I have no fear of competition at all…. because i know what God has for me is absolutely for me and it has already been written…. he brought me this far so Im confident in us both 😉 .

email me love!!! its on the website!!!!

looking forward to hearing from you!

just got off yall's ustream, I was spybetter on there. u seem like real cool peeps so I followed u on here, and listed u on my celebs list on twitter. I'm soolebop on twitter also.. anyway, I wish yall nothing but success! I can tell your good peeps, u & shanell. See yall next time I hope.

lol we showed out huh!!!lol thanks for the the support…of both of us….me and shanell will be doing some amazing things soon!!! so be on the look out! 😉

Hey do you need a makeup assistant?

hi love!!!! i actually havent reached the point of needing an assistant but im always open to meet, talk to and help other artist anyway i can!!! its all love!!! =)