[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_5890130448”,’http://melhuntermakeup.tumblr.com/video_file/5890130448/tumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6′,500,375,’poster=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6_r1_frame1.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6_r1_frame2.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6_r1_frame3.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6_r1_frame4.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9monIpJ1qf2ay6_r1_frame5.jpg’)


lol me and edith driving from mobile to Atl the day after mothers day….i caught her being rachett and had to get her on camera lol…she’s hilarious

I think im gonna mark my video posts with #(hashtags) to let yall know the content #dressingroomdiaries will be stuff from the tour with me, shanell, the girls and whoever else was part of our randomness lol… #me&mygirlfriend will be me and my mama…she’s hilarious..yall should enjoy those… and last but not least #notamovieitsMYLIFE will just be random personal mel and friends type stuff lol

hope yall got all that lol

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_5890025171”,’http://melhuntermakeup.tumblr.com/video_file/5890025171/tumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6′,500,375,’poster=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6_r1_frame1.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6_r1_frame2.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6_r1_frame3.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6_r1_frame4.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_llu9d4cHhA1qf2ay6_r1_frame5.jpg’)


This is part of the #me&mygirlfriend series ….starring me and my partner in crime lol… my mama!!!!! she’s a very imp part of my life…i really think she’s my biggest fan& supporter…and she’s freakin hilarious…so yall should enjoy our videos lol 

this one was from mothers day weekend this year…that sat she graduated from alabama state summa cum laude ….u can officially call her Dr. Hunter lol I beat her face at 7am that day….she was fly lol

im in a good mood tonite yall lol…i got madddd videos from tour and just a lil sneak peek of my exciting life to share with u guys lol

i was tryna get yall a better view of the darker green but uhhhh…… o_0 lol

my shades of green!!!! =) i really liked this phase lol…but i think the purple is gonna be my fav of all the hair colors lol

[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_5875515176”,’http://melhuntermakeup.tumblr.com/video_file/5875515176/tumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6′,500,375,’poster=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6_r1_frame1.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6_r1_frame2.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6_r1_frame3.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6_r1_frame4.jpg,http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lltnadh3Ev1qf2ay6_r1_frame5.jpg’)

soooooooo this was at the last show in Canada when i let the girls talk me into going on stage….Shanell is giving yall an ever so dramatic cover of My Button lol…playing around in the dressing room #dressingroomdiaries #imstillmusictour #ym #shanell_snl lol

dont kill me nelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u know i got madddd footage of us clownin on this computer lol

im blogging everything but makeup today huh??lol smh

ok ok….im ab to put up some funny videos from the tour….shanell is gonna kill me lol =0


Punctuation Is Powerful


“Wayne’s reason for choosing each and every one of us, [in] Young Money, is that we are talented in our own way and we do know how to create our own music and create our own world,” she says. “It’s the only place that I’ve seen where you can actually do that. I think what I am for Young Money is that tool to sort of go outside of the norm.  That’s my challenge and my responsibility is to be able to go outside of what Young Money is comfortable with, bring in a new audience and bring in new people to work with.”

Go get Shanell’s current single ‘My Buttons’ on iTunes Today! And look out for her upcoming mixtape “Nobody’s Bitch”!