Cancerians love home-life, family and domestic settings. They are traditionalists, and enjoy operating on a fundamental level. They love history, and are fascinated with the beginnings of things (heraldry, ancestry, etc.). The moon is their ruler, so they can be a bit of a contradiction and sometimes moody. However, they are conservative, so they’ll be apt to hide their moods from others altogether. They have a reputation for being fickle, but they’ll tell you that isn’t true, and it’s not. Cancerians make loyal, sympathetic friends. However Cancerians need alone time, and when they retreat, let them do so on their terms.


NEVER believe in 3 people : Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces. They are the most selfish and mean. NEVER lose 3 people : Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn. They are the most sincere and true lovers. NEVER leave 3 people : Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. They can keep secrets, friendship , and they can see your tears. NEVER reject 3 people : Leo, Gemini, Aquarius .They are true, loyal, & honest friends.

awww im a cancer and my mom is a taurus and my sister christina is a capricorn, robert is a leo and shanell is a scorpio!!! awww… oh and i have dated a pisces lol… #preach lol

Hey Mel,How are you. Been following you and your make up career. I’m sooo proud of you and all of your accomplishments thus far. You have a dream and work every day to make that dream come true. I can’t say enough how thankful I am for you and your sisters. You all have made my life worth living. God truly smiled on me when he created the three of you for me. I’m Blessed, better than Blessed Thank You Lord. I love and miss you Baby Girl. Enjoy the experiences God LOVES YOU, AND SO DO I. MOM

awwww ma!!! you always bout to bring me to the brink of tears!!!lol im backstage at our first show in Canada smiling like crazy lol I love you!!!! thanks for actually keeping up with me! You know when I really hit it big you gone be on the road with me lol..i know how u like to travel =)

Im having a blast ma! I get a little homesick every now and then…but Ill be ok! I miss you like crazy…wish you didnt have to work so much so you can just get on the bus and go for a few cities!!! Ill be home in Sept…we have a lot of catchin up and girl talk to do!

The girls love you! And we all miss ur cooking!!!! lol Nelly might hire you as her personal chef one day lol…you got us all spoiled quick! They enjoyed the time at your house and kickin it with the fam!

I love you more than words could express ma! You,my sisters, chief, brandon, robert and Kat are like my biggest supporters and I cant tell you guys enough how much that means to me now…when at 1st nobody knew what the hell i had up my sleeve talkin bout movin to Atlanta to do make up! lol Im so thankful for this life that God has blessed me with, Im so thankful for having nurturing parents like you and Chief to mold me into the woman I am becoming! Im so glad Im making you guys proud!!!! Keep smiling ma…you aint seen nuthin yet 😉 you know my struggle, you cried with me, you hurt for me, you have witnessed me go through some bs along the way..but please believe IM TAKING IT ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!!!!

Luv you woman!!!!!!! Like crazzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyy

Ok Mel I'm really really wanting to be a mua. I need you to tell me what do I need to start on this journey? Must have, like certain makeup or brushes?????

1st and formost!!!! You have to start with a DREAM!!! then you have to follow up with PASSION, DEDICATION, and the WILL to keep going NO MATTER WHAT!!!! then…you have to study, do your research practice more than anything else to perfect your craft. You have to keep up with the latest products, or just good products, have convos with other artist, ask questions, try things out on yourself somethimes, and just get a feel for what you like for the type of style you are trying to create for yourself. Pick out a few artist whose work you admire, see what they are using, etc. 

some of my favorite brands are Bobbi Brown, NARS, Make-up forever, Black Opal,OCC,& MAC, Sigma Brushes is a great place to start for some decent brushes, although most of my brushes are from MAC..they’re just eally expensive to collect so I would say Sigma or Crown brushes would be great brushes on the cheaper side. oh… Im in Love with Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundations(im working on collecting them all lol)

you just have to look around and try things out and see what works best for you. Some artist recommend products that they love and I have gone out and bought the same products and didnt like it as much so it really does depend on the artist! 

Hope this helps! =)

Where did you go for your makeup thingy?.

hi love!!!! i need a little more help to answer your qustion lol What make up thingy????

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**** New Music!!!!*** MY first single… What is Love…Im the new artist signed to Shanell’s Gypsy Records lol … im givin yall a lil sample of my soon to be new hit! We taped this in the back of the bus last night but the slow bus internet wouldnt let me upload it lol…dont hate lol shout out to @shanell_snl for puttin me on!!!! bwahahahah

soooooo we have a 8 hour bus ride ahead of us….me and shanell in the back of the bus being random…we decided to let yall be the first ones to know that I am officially the 1st artist on Gypsy Gang records… I got a mixtape comin soon and im bout to let yall hear my 1st single What is love….. stay tuned =) im super excited!!!!