To be beautiful means to be yourself.

Thich Nhat Hanh (via lifeinquotemarks)


epic, beautiful, whore  !!!!!! ahahahaha o_O


Fat, Broken, funny…well this is awkward.

love, fool, sad were mine =/ ……. considering what im dealing with right now….. i cant be mad at it =/ …… try it out…whats ur 3???

The Universe is in perfect order. The stars, the moon, and the sun are all operating in perfect Divine right order. There is an order, a rhythm, and a purpose to their pathways. I am part of the Universe; therefore, I know that there is an order, a rhythm, and a purpose to my life.

Louise L. Hay  (via lucifelle)

Bergamot oil can make a big difference in your ability to rise to the occasion of stress, rather than crash and burn from stimulants and over-thinking.  Just a little aromatherapy can radically change your day. 

Essential Oils to Invigorate Yourself During Stressful Times

Miss Thing….bout to hit the stage

random backstage pics from tonight’s show….Shanell is about to hit the stage!!! owwwwwwwwwwww

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In Shanell’s room …getting ready for the VMA’s ….#randomvideo =/