from my shoot with the amazing photographer Josue Pena in LA yesterday!!!!!!! 

i can’t wait to get the images in my book!!!!!!

website updates coming soonnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

my mama know she knows how to bring a tear to my eye lol!!!! I love you ma!!!

Missing You

Hello Mel,

It seems like forever since I last laid eyes on you. I am soooooooo proud of all you are doing and have accomplished in such a short period of time. You have always been determined to follow your paths whether I approved or not ( lol). You have made tremendous  sacrifices to have  a little of what you want and need. God has been kind and always shown you Favor because of your trust and belief in Him. All things will never be handed to you on a silver platter but some things through the goodness of God will be shared with you. You are a hard working young woman with work ethics like your momma. I  did my best in raising you. I gave you to God at birth and trusted Him to guide me in raising you from a baby to a young girlto a teenager to a young adult and into womanhood. God has been and still is so good. I trust Him for all I am and all I have. I trust him for you and your sisters and your welfare. I trust Him to continue to take care of you, protecting you and guiding you when He calls me home to be with Him. I trust Him for your sisters welfare as well because in all things He will make possible if we believe. Mel life is funny. There will be good times, sad times, bad times and unbelievable terrific times. God has a season for everything we do and we have in our lives. This is your season to shine. Do not ever let anyone or anything diminish your faith and belief in God. If someone challenges you in that area smile and walk away. Pray for them. As a true child of God you never have to stand on a soap box and declare how good you are. God created  you. He knows all about you. He already knows the depth of your faith and trust in Him. He is the only one you have to be faithful to. He knew your entire life line from the moment you were created from the love your father and I shared, from the moment you left my body and entered this cold cruel world, God knew EVERYTHING there is to know about you. He knew every tear you would shed, every heartbreak you would endure, every triumph you will have and every defeat that will cross your path. Always remember Mel God knows and He will be there for you. He never walks away from us, we  are the ones who make that mistake, but the great thing about it is He will always be there to welcome us back when we realize our mistake. Be Blessed at all times Mel. Know that I love you and I am so glad that God created you just for me. I am and will always be your biggest fan. I see your success and I smile and my heart is so full because I know of the struggles you went through . In everything you do Mel continue to give God the praise and THANK HIM everyday because it is only through His Grace and Mercy that we are here and enjoy the blessings He allows us to have. As you go from place to place and witness first hand the Greatness of our Lord and Savior always remember to say Thank You Lord because He is Awesome and worthy of our Praise every second of our lives. Can’t wait to see you again I miss you so much. I hope all is going well for you and you are making some of the connections you hope to. Be Blessed, stay safe and always know your mama is here for you any time of the day or night for you, and  always praying God’s continued favor on you, your life, your decisions and your direction. I love you baby girl and I am adding more and more pictures of you to my wall ( lol) I’m a proud mama I can’t help it. I’m proud of all of my girls and thankful to God for allowing me to continue to be here to see all of you grow, become more mature and find your spots in this world. I love you all and am thankful for each one of your lives.

Take care Mel call me soon. I love you
