yassssss!!!! My work made it to the 1st page of Vlada’s portfolio on the L.A. Models site!!!!

soooo much to do….so little time =0

hey mel, i love your work and look up to you in this beauty industry i was wondering if you"ll ever have a meet up makeup class or anything of the sort i would love to even simply assist you one day. thanks in advance . =) keep up the amazing work your the bomb

Hello my love!!!

Thanks so much for your kind words!! They really made me smile on the inside lol. Please send me an email with your contact info and some of your work if you can and i promise Ill respond to it!

Hope to hear from you soon! =)


another shot from the spread in Quint Magazine! 

Hair&Make up- Mel Hunter

Photography- Leah Perry

Check out my beauty story (starts page 112) in Quint Magazine. Hair and make-up by Yours Truly… photography by Leah Perry.


Quint magazine is an award winning (Dubai Lynx 2011 & Magazin Mania 2011) art and culture publication that was launched online in July 2010.



#teamCANCER 🙂 lol

Thanks for the pain, I need it for my art.

Ferrari   (via lovelesssociety)

my tattoo artist is AMAZINGGGGGG!!!!!  i can’t wait to get my #loveless piece 


Find Cupid at www.LovelessSociety.com


this photo is everything. everything.