Thank you Darnell for posting this about me!!!!!!!

I have developed a beautiful relationship that I am sooo thankful for with photographer/illustrator/philanthropist Darnell Wilburn. We believe in so many of the same things and we disagree and/or feel differently about so many things as well…but the admiration and respect has always remained.

He started a blog call Modern Art+Style and we have decided along with a few other creatives to try our best to make this blog the most interesting, informative, inspirational blog out. There are so many things and people we want to bring awareness about. There are so many stories we think should be told… There are tons of things we think are important and worthy to be checked out! And its all coming from the minds of creative people who feel differently about things, may find different things interesting and are all very unique individuals in their own right.

I find myself always going to the blog to look for the things Darnell post because I  find out about so many cool people I have never heard of before, and I’m always intrigued by the things he post. And to my pleasant surprise he did a post on me. It made me smile on the inside a little.

Check it out!!!!!


A mother’s love

A mother's love

As most of you probably know by now…my mama is truly one of my Best Friends!!!! I always feel so much better having her around and even my friends just love her to pieces. It feels so good to have her support with my life and career decisions….the fact that she fully trust me and the major decisions I am making now makes me sooo proud…you guys have no idea…me moving to Atlanta in pursuit of being a make up artist scared the living daylights out of my mama….it took her a while to really get it. She just hated seeing me going through the “struggling artist period” trying to make it…she always said…just come home…stay with me till you get on your feet…I can get you a job teaching at the school…you can have benefits, a salary, stability, etc….but I refused…I told her I was trusting my gut…because my gut is telling me that Im going to be great…and over the years…we both are starting to see that maybe my gut was right!!! She is so proud of me…and I can tell…and that gives me all the joy and confidence in the world.

I love spending time with my mom….she brings out the best in me…and I love the relationship we now have! I love being able to pamper her…I love the fact that I don’t have to hide who I am or what I do from her. I love the fact that she accepts me wholeheartedly. She inspires me…and I believe I inspire her!!!! I can’t wait till the day where I can fully take care of her and travel around the world with her for the rest of our lives!!!! That woman is my motivation!!!! I am truly blessed…..

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

me and one of the models at Sundays shoot with photographer Leah Perry and stylist Henry Watson!

Modern art + style Fashion Series Presents

Getting into the minds of creative individuals to see what inspires them and to hear their stories.

There is no elevator to success…you must take the stairs


I Have Decided!!!!

I have decided to do a little re-branding and I feel great about it! As most of you all know…I have been going by Mel Hunter since I started doing make up full time. I’ll be honest with you, I wanted to go by my name of course…but I was skeptical about it. After thinking about it for some time and asking different friends for their opinions I decided to go by Mel Hunter because it seemed like the best thing to do….

By going by Mel Hunter I thought I would avoid certain types of discrimination and judgement because you couldn’t view my work and tell if I was Black or White, male or female, etc.  I thought it was Chic, so I just went with it. Overtime though, it never really grew on me… I mean, it grew on everybody around me…but never really on me. I felt like it was missing something, and I felt like the name, and how bland it was, just didn’t fit me or what I envisioned my brand to be. Months went by with no changes, but one experience I had almost two years ago gave me confirmation!!! And now…two years later I have decided to trust myself, have no fears, and go with my gut. I will be using my first name Melanesia to conduct my business and to expand my Brand.

I have always embraced my name and I’ve always felt it was unique and beautiful. I just didn’t want to be outcasted for having such a “black” name in an industry that can sometimes be so prejudice. Some of my peers think I may loose business or opportunities because of this change, I think I won’t. But if I do… I just believe that was not the right business for me in the first place. Im an individual! I am unique. I don’t want to have to conform because of something so simple as my name. If it is true…that a name can make or break you… I believe that MELANESIA is about to make me one of the most influential women of our time. I have a vision…and trust me when I tell you it is HUGEEEEE!!!! It’s bigger than beauty, it’s not just about make up…. Im envisioning a MOVEMENT…something that is gonna still be able to grow and inspire millions long after I am gone….and Im gonna do it…..all while remaining true to who I am and what I believe in… and all while using my real name!!!

MELANESIA is a business.


but most of all…