Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

My interview with KISS Magazine is up!!!!! You guys should check it out! I love love loveeeee the layout and how they allowed me to be as long-winded as I wanted to be! lol It’s a fun interview! And as always I try to be genuine and honest when answering whatever questions are asked of me!

What do you guys think!?!?!?!

Thanks sooo much to everyone at Kiss Magazine who made this all possible! I really appreciate you guys turning the spotlight on me!


2 Comments on “Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!”

  1. mama's love says:

    Hey Mel,
    Just seeing your site. It is wonderful. I am soooooo proudof my baby girl. I can’t say enough how happy I am that you are experiencing some of the things you have worked so hard for.
    I thank God every day for the Favor he shows to you and your sisters.
    I love how you started the page with your “mama”. Made me so proud. LOL
    Love you much

  2. Brit says:

    Great article!!!!

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