Queen of clean!!!!

Soon as I got back to LA, I had to do a commercial shoot! It turned out beautiful and I really needed images like this in my port so I was excited about doing it. I posted a few pictures from the shoot on my instagram  ….but here are a few more and a list of products used to achieve my #queenofcleanlook


I used Giorgio Armmani’s Luminious Silk foundation in #6

I used Bobbi Brown’s Cream Concealer in Natural

I set the concealer with Bobbi Brown’s Loose Powder in Pale Yellow

I lightly contoured with Bobbi Brown’s Bronzing Powder in Natural

I lightly swept NARS Blush in GINA on her cheeks



Lashes- L’oreal voluminous lash

Mac-  Arena and Texture on the lid and Saddle to line the lower lash line with

Filled in brows lightly with Mac eye shadow in Espresso


Mac lisptick in – Color me Coral and Gloss in Nyphette


I kept grooming very simple on the guys, using only MAC studio finish concealers and Ben Nye Powders. I lightly contoured them both.


Video from Timothy Bloom live at Variety Playhouse

This moment was sooo cute I had to whip out my camera and record what I could! He had finished his set…and the crowd was pissed lol we alllllllll wanted more!!! So we chanted!!! and chanted!!! and chanted!!! “one more song!!! One more song!!!” I mean ppl were going crazy lol…it was beautiful!!! A guy in the audience demanded that Timothy did Till the End of Time bc that was his girlfriend’s favorite song lol….so he walked back to the mike and closed out with till the end of time….here is the 49secs that I captured!!! You really would have had to be there to feel how great this moment was!!!! So cute lol

audience sings along with timothy bloom-till the end of time

Gary Clark Jr + Timothy Bloom

Another great experience I had while I was in Atlanta was going to see Timothy Bloom and Gary Clark Jr live at the Variety Playhouse in Lil 5 Points!!! Now I was already a fan and well aware of Timothy Bloom’s amazing talent and thats who I was super excited about getting to see live. I almost feel ashamed to admit that I had never heard of Gary Clark Jr before this show, but I will say that I was captivated and turned into a fan instantly!!!! NOTHING feels better than being moved and inspired by two amazingly talented musicians!!! I kept asking myself how could I not have known about this Gary Clark guy!!!?? lol but I know now! And if any of you guys don’t know about Timothy Bloom or Gary Clark Jr then you need get on it!!! Starting now!!!! 😉

I took pics!!! I even have a cute little video I took while Timothy Bloom was performing ‘Til The End of Time’ ….

Great music always equals fun times!!! I enjoyed this show with two of my closest friends…Shanell and my girl Rebecca! We all had a blast!!!! and I think its safe to say we all left that place INSPIRED!!!!!

Get inspired




Shooting in Atlanta!!! Oh how I miss thee!!!

A few weeks ago I took my 1st trip back to Atlanta after I made the big move out here to LA! And boy I tell ya, It felt sooooo good to be back “home” . I mean I starting to get the hang of LA, and it’s beautiful out here, and it seems as though the sky is the limit, but going back to Atlanta was just what I needed! I got to see all my friends that I missed so much and I got to shoot with two of my fans!!! Drexina Nelson and Allen cooley!

Here are a few btw pics from my shoots!!!! Enjoy!

Cant wait to see the edits!!!!


