Hey guys!!!

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Essence Gant for Today’s Black Woman Style Report!

Im starting to get the hang of this interviewing thing!!!! lol Keep em coming!

Searching for a Good Brush

I keep getting asked where you can get GREAT quality brushes at a very AFFORDABLE price!!! Here is where I get mine from!!! You won’t be disappointed!

Sigma Beauty

Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

My interview with KISS Magazine is up!!!!! You guys should check it out! I love love loveeeee the layout and how they allowed me to be as long-winded as I wanted to be! lol It’s a fun interview! And as always I try to be genuine and honest when answering whatever questions are asked of me!

What do you guys think!?!?!?!

Thanks sooo much to everyone at Kiss Magazine who made this all possible! I really appreciate you guys turning the spotlight on me!


hey mel, i love your work and look up to you in this beauty industry i was wondering if you"ll ever have a meet up makeup class or anything of the sort i would love to even simply assist you one day. thanks in advance . =) keep up the amazing work your the bomb

Hello my love!!!

Thanks so much for your kind words!! They really made me smile on the inside lol. Please send me an email with your contact info and some of your work if you can and i promise Ill respond to it!

Hope to hear from you soon! =)


Director and beauty expert Pat McGrath is definitely the go-to-gal for any of your makeup mishaps. Wondering how to create the prefect brow? The full article on reveals that, plus five other beauty solutions. For now, watch her uncover the secret to perfecting the smokey eye, using a number of products from CoverGirl.

great post ella!!!!!

my workstation from my in studio shoot wed (1st pic)

my workstation from my location shoot thurs (2nd pic)


for all my make up lovers out there!!!!

i saw your post on what you use to achieve shanell's flawless foundation & concealer.. but you use multiple powders & i'm not a mua so i don't have all that stuff lol what would you recommend to someone who doesn't have a make up artist (lol) to use for flawless foundation & undereye concealer…. (including setting powders & such) what technique do you use to apply the foundation & concealer ? (use brushes, sponges, beautyblender? etc..) BTW, i'm between a MAC NC45 and a NC50 THANKS !!

It really depend on the person, their skin, the look they are trying to achieve with their everyday look, etc. Send me a picture of yourself in an email and let me know exactly what you are trying to achieve and I’ll recommend a few products for the everyday consumer that should help! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I'm getting senior pictures taken and I want my lashes to look good in the pictures do you have any lashes you would recommend? I don't want them to look too dramatic just like I have really nice natural lashes. PS I love you and Shanell and miss your tour ustream sessions. XOXO Allie

hi Allie!

sorry for taking so long to respond but try some MAC lashes in a #1 ,#4 or a #31!

thanks for the support love!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Bergamot oil can make a big difference in your ability to rise to the occasion of stress, rather than crash and burn from stimulants and over-thinking. ย Just a little aromatherapy can radically change your day. 

Essential Oils to Invigorate Yourself During Stressful Times