Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!


Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!

wonderful post on whether or not Jay Z, Beyonce’ and other high profile black celebs are utilizing their power and resources to aid in proper “social responsibility” for THEIR people! Take a look! I would love to hear what you guys think! Where are our warriors??? Its time to stand up and make a difference!!!



A 14 years old boy got beaten half dead by his stepfather. His only fault was this that he tried to protect his little sister from being raped. Now he’s struggling for his life, but doctors say he won’t make it without a surgery. His mother doesn’t have money to pay it. tumblr donates 45 cents for every sharing or reposting.

Please Verify, Don’t Ignore thinking It thinking its FAKE
(Mother’s Number Not Disclosed For Security Reasons)
Doctor’s Contact Number: +91 20 6721 3400
Hospital Name: Sahyadri Hospital

Please reblog this more than once if possible, it’s Christmas.

A Little girl, 3 yrs. old picked up by a man driving a gray car, license plate: quebec 72B 381. Canada. Reblog this. It could save her. The Kidnapping is recent so do it, 3 seconds will not kill you. If it were your child…


Everyone should reblog this.



Indigenous land within U.S (1492-1977)

what genocide looks like


Yo as safe as rubber bullets are made out to be, those shits still fucking hurt depending on the range. And these protesters were shot POINT BLANK. So no, they are no safe, and none of these people were armed so why were the police using lethal force to break up the camp? It wasn’t even a riot.


You can share this, it doesn’t take long.






On January 12, 2010, one day after his 18th birthday, CAPA High School honors student Jordan Trent Miles was ambushed by three plain clothes Pittsburgh police officers, who failed to identify themselves and approached him aggressively. The officers did not say “Stop! Police!”, they jumped out of an unmarked vehicle, one of them yelling “Where’s your money? Where’s the drugs? Where’s the gun?” Miles, never before in trouble with the police and thinking he was being robbed, began to run, and slipped on the icy sidewalk. The officers overtook Miles and administered a brutal beating that left him unrecognizable, ripping dreadlocks out of his head, and continuing to beat him as he lay on the ground after their initial assault, stammering the Lord’s Prayer. There can be no explaining away or excusing what was done to Miles.

The police officers lied about what happened, claiming there was a bulge in his pocket they assumed was a gun but “turned out to be a Mountain Dew bottle”. No bottle was ever entered into evidence, and Jordan and his friends will tell you he doesn’t even drink the soda. The officers also attempted to claim a neighbor reported him as a prowler and attempted to bring assault charges against Miles, which were tossed out of court when the neighbor said she did no such thing. Despite all this, the City of Pittsburgh went on to reward these violent officers with a commendation and, during their suspension, paid them more than they earned while working. Meanwhile, the Pittsburgh DA has not brought charges and the Justice Department announced on May 4th, 2011 that it would not prosecute the three officers. The mayor and police chief announced on May 5th that the three officers would be returning to work.

“I feel that my son was racially profiled,” Terez Miles said. “It’s a rough neighborhood; it was after dark. … They assumed he was up to no good because he’s black. My son, he knows nothing about the streets at all. He’s had a very sheltered life, he’s very quiet, he doesn’t know police officers sit in cars and stalk people like that.”


We need to teach our youth our history does not begin with American slavery.

(via black-culture)






SF resident Lien Fang Wang Kuo has been missing for over 27 hours.

Missing from: Disappeared from home, Richmond District 27th and California
Date missing: June 17th, between 1-2:30 PM
Condition: Alzheimer’s/dementia
Age: 85
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 100-110 lbs
Build: petite
Eyes: brown
Hair: short/gray
Language: Mandarin
Clothing: wearing a light blue quilted Burberry coat OR a black wool full length coat. Pink/black/white scarf. Black pants. Walks with cane.

If you see her/have any information, call 911 or SFPD (415) 553-0123. You can also contact her grandson, Steve Hsu:

(404) 422-7177
Facebook page
Facebook group for the search (also where to keep up to date with the latest info)

You can download the flier above here (JPG) or here (PDF).

Please reblog, and spread the word to your friends in San Francisco!

:/ alzheimer’s/dementia?
Reminds me of the youtube video 😦
Worth the reblog!! 

I love old people, please don’t let them spend the rest of their lives missing and suffering. I know a lot of people are from the bay….. you all should reblog!! 

omg, everyone should reblog D: