Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!


Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!

wonderful post on whether or not Jay Z, Beyonce’ and other high profile black celebs are utilizing their power and resources to aid in proper “social responsibility” for THEIR people! Take a look! I would love to hear what you guys think! Where are our warriors??? Its time to stand up and make a difference!!!




Hey guys!!!

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Essence Gant for Today’s Black Woman Style Report!

Im starting to get the hang of this interviewing thing!!!! lol Keep em coming!

Coachella 2012!!! Zeds Dead!!! a silent clip!!

Coachella 2012!!! Zeds Dead!!! a silent clip!!

This year I decided to basically do my own documentary of my super cool life lol. Im using this cool app and Im taking a few different approaches to record amazing experiences throughout this year. I want to be able to look back 20 years from now and remember these times, the places, the experiences and the people.

Something is telling me I am going to be great!!! And I want to capture and remember every second of it…the struggle…the good, the bad, the fun, the sad, the highs and the lows…..it’s all a part of my journey…my story….and I just decided to take matters into my own hands and capture it all!!!!!

I think Ill put together the years worth of experiences at the end of every year!!!! this should be a fun project that lasts forever!!!! Im excited!

Ill post this cool little snippet of me and my friends at the Zeds Dead stage Coachell 2012…. its a silent clip…but thats what makes it so cool to me…although you can’t hear whats going on…you can def look and tell that we were having an amazing time!!!!!

Coachella was everything I thought it would be plus some!!!! =)

Another amazing post!!! Paul Cadden

Another amazing post!!! Paul Cadden

I like to post things on my blog that i find cool, and inspiring!!!!! I believe I have great taste….so you guys should learn to trust me lol!!!!

Amazing post!!!! Im definitely going!!!!

Amazing post!!!! Im definitely going!!!!

You guys may not know about the great blog that I am apart of called Modern Art + Style….. created by Darnell Wilburn, but Im telling you know….its about to be huge and it is by far one of the most…if not THE most interesting blog I follow. I can barley put up my own posts because Im always too bust reading his lol!!!! This is one that caught my eye today!!!! I found this post to be absolutely amazing!!!!

Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

Interview on me in KISS magazine!!!!

My interview with KISS Magazine is up!!!!! You guys should check it out! I love love loveeeee the layout and how they allowed me to be as long-winded as I wanted to be! lol It’s a fun interview! And as always I try to be genuine and honest when answering whatever questions are asked of me!

What do you guys think!?!?!?!

Thanks sooo much to everyone at Kiss Magazine who made this all possible! I really appreciate you guys turning the spotlight on me!


Thank you Darnell for posting this about me!!!!!!!

I have developed a beautiful relationship that I am sooo thankful for with photographer/illustrator/philanthropist Darnell Wilburn. We believe in so many of the same things and we disagree and/or feel differently about so many things as well…but the admiration and respect has always remained.

He started a blog call Modern Art+Style and we have decided along with a few other creatives to try our best to make this blog the most interesting, informative, inspirational blog out. There are so many things and people we want to bring awareness about. There are so many stories we think should be told… There are tons of things we think are important and worthy to be checked out! And its all coming from the minds of creative people who feel differently about things, may find different things interesting and are all very unique individuals in their own right.

I find myself always going to the blog to look for the things Darnell post because I  find out about so many cool people I have never heard of before, and I’m always intrigued by the things he post. And to my pleasant surprise he did a post on me. It made me smile on the inside a little.

Check it out!!!!!


A mother’s love

A mother's love

As most of you probably know by now…my mama is truly one of my Best Friends!!!! I always feel so much better having her around and even my friends just love her to pieces. It feels so good to have her support with my life and career decisions….the fact that she fully trust me and the major decisions I am making now makes me sooo proud…you guys have no idea…me moving to Atlanta in pursuit of being a make up artist scared the living daylights out of my mama….it took her a while to really get it. She just hated seeing me going through the “struggling artist period” trying to make it…she always said…just come home…stay with me till you get on your feet…I can get you a job teaching at the school…you can have benefits, a salary, stability, etc….but I refused…I told her I was trusting my gut…because my gut is telling me that Im going to be great…and over the years…we both are starting to see that maybe my gut was right!!! She is so proud of me…and I can tell…and that gives me all the joy and confidence in the world.

I love spending time with my mom….she brings out the best in me…and I love the relationship we now have! I love being able to pamper her…I love the fact that I don’t have to hide who I am or what I do from her. I love the fact that she accepts me wholeheartedly. She inspires me…and I believe I inspire her!!!! I can’t wait till the day where I can fully take care of her and travel around the world with her for the rest of our lives!!!! That woman is my motivation!!!! I am truly blessed…..

Modern art + style Fashion Series Presents

Getting into the minds of creative individuals to see what inspires them and to hear their stories.

There is no elevator to success…you must take the stairs
