Behind the scenes of Young Money’s Shanell- So Good video shoot

I can not wait till this video is finally released!!! its gonna be amazing!!!! trust me….. 😉

i make my cameo in the very beginning so make sure y’all paying attention lol


video from the shoot I did in LA with super dope photographer KOOK!!!!!

eat ur heart out guys 😉

lemme put yall up on game!!!!! yall know im a self proclaimed music guru lol…. this guy….. is absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! google him…and his music… 

watch him blow….just rem I called it!!! lol VITAL DESHAWN

yall can #THANKMELATER 😉 

ground zero video Shanell did….this is how we met lol and the rest is history!!!! Yours truly beautified Shanell and Reign 😉 

i luvvvvvv how Six got his lil camera time in the beginning lol

side note…doing her make up for this video was interesting…we both have such random crazy personalities… it was just hilarious…next time i see her im gonna get us to record our views on our 1st expreience working with each other…it’ll be hilarious lol

behind the scenes at the Kontrol Magazine Mary Mary shoot!!!

and he also did the video to the very 1st show in RI….. Victor!!! you’re the greatest lol these videos are awesome!!!!!! Girls faces were BEAT that show too lol….you captured ur girls perfectly!!!!

just catchin yall up on the 1st leg of the tour #incaseyoumissedit lol bc the 2nd leg is coming soon =)

miss Shanell SNL killing the stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol