Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!


Harry Belafonte’s views on powerful Black Celebs!!!! A MUST READ!!!!

wonderful post on whether or not Jay Z, Beyonce’ and other high profile black celebs are utilizing their power and resources to aid in proper “social responsibility” for THEIR people! Take a look! I would love to hear what you guys think! Where are our warriors??? Its time to stand up and make a difference!!!


The magic of New York City!!!!



Today as I traveled alone on the ny subway to go meet a great old friend from my Xavier days I realized even more how much I love this city! Idk y…. But I like taking the train here& I enjoyed traveling alone today… 4guys got on the train and sung in perfect harmony for a good 3 stops… It was beautiful… They were homeless men I think… They sounded amazing. I shed a few tears before I got on this train… And I almost didn’t come to meet my friend… U know life’s frustrations can sometimes get the best of us… But I didn’t let it! I wiped my face… Put on some fresh eyeliner and left my hotel room to go let new York inspire me!!!! And by the time I walked 4 new york blocks in my platform heels I was already starting to feel better!!!!!! 
This city is amazing!!!! It’s everything they say it it! 👌

Shanell’s Best Kept Secret Part2!!! Tour fun edition!!!

Watching this video brought back soooo many great memories of my experience traveling the world on the Im Still Music Tour! Beyond being one of if not the most talented woman I know, Shanell knows how to have fun and that is exactly what we did the entire time on the road!!!! Take a sneak peek into some tour footage!!! Ill post best kept secret part 1 next!!! 😉

F+F Infected

I did this video soooooo long ago but Im somehow just now seeing it lol!!! I forgot how much I loved this song!!!! I did Fallons make up!!!I had an amazing time shooting with the Twins of Cherish Fallon and Felisha!!! They are awesome!!!!!!

This song is beautiful…and soooooo easy to relate to!!!

Coachella 2012!!! Zeds Dead!!! a silent clip!!

Coachella 2012!!! Zeds Dead!!! a silent clip!!

This year I decided to basically do my own documentary of my super cool life lol. Im using this cool app and Im taking a few different approaches to record amazing experiences throughout this year. I want to be able to look back 20 years from now and remember these times, the places, the experiences and the people.

Something is telling me I am going to be great!!! And I want to capture and remember every second of it…the struggle…the good, the bad, the fun, the sad, the highs and the lows…..it’s all a part of my journey…my story….and I just decided to take matters into my own hands and capture it all!!!!!

I think Ill put together the years worth of experiences at the end of every year!!!! this should be a fun project that lasts forever!!!! Im excited!

Ill post this cool little snippet of me and my friends at the Zeds Dead stage Coachell 2012…. its a silent clip…but thats what makes it so cool to me…although you can’t hear whats going on…you can def look and tell that we were having an amazing time!!!!!

Coachella was everything I thought it would be plus some!!!! =)

Check out my beauty story (starts page 112) in Quint Magazine. Hair and make-up by Yours Truly… photography by Leah Perry.


Quint magazine is an award winning (Dubai Lynx 2011 & Magazin Mania 2011) art and culture publication that was launched online in July 2010.



#teamCANCER 🙂 lol

Thanks for the pain, I need it for my art.

Ferrari   (via lovelesssociety)

my tattoo artist is AMAZINGGGGGG!!!!!  i can’t wait to get my #loveless piece 


Find Cupid at www.LovelessSociety.com


this photo is everything. everything.