Gary Clark Jr + Timothy Bloom

Another great experience I had while I was in Atlanta was going to see Timothy Bloom and Gary Clark Jr live at the Variety Playhouse in Lil 5 Points!!! Now I was already a fan and well aware of Timothy Bloom’s amazing talent and thats who I was super excited about getting to see live. I almost feel ashamed to admit that I had never heard of Gary Clark Jr before this show, but I will say that I was captivated and turned into a fan instantly!!!! NOTHING feels better than being moved and inspired by two amazingly talented musicians!!! I kept asking myself how could I not have known about this Gary Clark guy!!!?? lol but I know now! And if any of you guys don’t know about Timothy Bloom or Gary Clark Jr then you need get on it!!! Starting now!!!! 😉

I took pics!!! I even have a cute little video I took while Timothy Bloom was performing ‘Til The End of Time’ ….

Great music always equals fun times!!! I enjoyed this show with two of my closest friends…Shanell and my girl Rebecca! We all had a blast!!!! and I think its safe to say we all left that place INSPIRED!!!!!

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