Im currently updating my website to reflect all my new Branding changes ANDDDD…. Im finally adding a Grooming book…that should be a nice little addition!!! Here’s a glimpse of what you may see ;) UPDATE COMING SOON!!!!!!!

Searching for a Good Brush

I keep getting asked where you can get GREAT quality brushes at a very AFFORDABLE price!!! Here is where I get mine from!!! You won’t be disappointed!

Sigma Beauty

Modern art + style Fashion Series Presents

Getting into the minds of creative individuals to see what inspires them and to hear their stories.

I Have Decided!!!!

I have decided to do a little re-branding and I feel great about it! As most of you all know…I have been going by Mel Hunter since I started doing make up full time. I’ll be honest with you, I wanted to go by my name of course…but I was skeptical about it. After thinking about it for some time and asking different friends for their opinions I decided to go by Mel Hunter because it seemed like the best thing to do….

By going by Mel Hunter I thought I would avoid certain types of discrimination and judgement because you couldn’t view my work and tell if I was Black or White, male or female, etc.  I thought it was Chic, so I just went with it. Overtime though, it never really grew on me… I mean, it grew on everybody around me…but never really on me. I felt like it was missing something, and I felt like the name, and how bland it was, just didn’t fit me or what I envisioned my brand to be. Months went by with no changes, but one experience I had almost two years ago gave me confirmation!!! And now…two years later I have decided to trust myself, have no fears, and go with my gut. I will be using my first name Melanesia to conduct my business and to expand my Brand.

I have always embraced my name and I’ve always felt it was unique and beautiful. I just didn’t want to be outcasted for having such a “black” name in an industry that can sometimes be so prejudice. Some of my peers think I may loose business or opportunities because of this change, I think I won’t. But if I do… I just believe that was not the right business for me in the first place. Im an individual! I am unique. I don’t want to have to conform because of something so simple as my name. If it is true…that a name can make or break you… I believe that MELANESIA is about to make me one of the most influential women of our time. I have a vision…and trust me when I tell you it is HUGEEEEE!!!! It’s bigger than beauty, it’s not just about make up…. Im envisioning a MOVEMENT…something that is gonna still be able to grow and inspire millions long after I am gone….and Im gonna do it…..all while remaining true to who I am and what I believe in… and all while using my real name!!!

MELANESIA is a business.


but most of all…