Shooting in Atlanta!!! Oh how I miss thee!!!

A few weeks ago I took my 1st trip back to Atlanta after I made the big move out here to LA! And boy I tell ya, It felt sooooo good to be back “home” . I mean I starting to get the hang of LA, and it’s beautiful out here, and it seems as though the sky is the limit, but going back to Atlanta was just what I needed! I got to see all my friends that I missed so much and I got to shoot with two of my fans!!! Drexina Nelson and Allen cooley!

Here are a few btw pics from my shoots!!!! Enjoy!

Cant wait to see the edits!!!!

Searching for a Good Brush

I keep getting asked where you can get GREAT quality brushes at a very AFFORDABLE price!!! Here is where I get mine from!!! You won’t be disappointed!

Sigma Beauty

Thank you Darnell for posting this about me!!!!!!!

I have developed a beautiful relationship that I am sooo thankful for with photographer/illustrator/philanthropist Darnell Wilburn. We believe in so many of the same things and we disagree and/or feel differently about so many things as well…but the admiration and respect has always remained.

He started a blog call Modern Art+Style and we have decided along with a few other creatives to try our best to make this blog the most interesting, informative, inspirational blog out. There are so many things and people we want to bring awareness about. There are so many stories we think should be told… There are tons of things we think are important and worthy to be checked out! And its all coming from the minds of creative people who feel differently about things, may find different things interesting and are all very unique individuals in their own right.

I find myself always going to the blog to look for the things Darnell post because I  find out about so many cool people I have never heard of before, and I’m always intrigued by the things he post. And to my pleasant surprise he did a post on me. It made me smile on the inside a little.

Check it out!!!!!


another shot from the spread in Quint Magazine! 

Hair&Make up- Mel Hunter

Photography- Leah Perry